How to set up an MP3 player on your USB drive
9:39 PM // 0 comments // Sajib Barua // Category: USB //Winamp is a very mature free media player and with it and an Ontop USB flash drive, you can create a portable media player with your collection of MP3s that can then be used hassle free between computers.
The Winamp Media Player program is only 10.3MB, so it’s easily stored on a 4GB (or larger) USB flash drive. Winamp music doesn’t require a lot of memory and it plays all widely used audio and video file formats. To install the Winamp Media Player on your USB flash drive, download the free software to the hard drive of your computer. I used Winamp Media Player version 5.47
Install to the default folder c:\Program Files\Winamp on the computer
Plug your Ontop USB flash drive into the USB port of your computer.Go to the c:\Program Files\Winamp location on your computer and copy the Winamp folder to USB flash drive.
Next you have to create a Winamp.cmd file inside the Winamp folder on the USB flash drive. To create a Winamp.cmd file, open a new Notepad file and type in the following text:
start Winamp.exe /inidir=ini
In Notepad, select File > Save As and save the file using the name winamp.cmd. To do this you will need to change the default file extension .txt to .cmd. You can now close Notepad.
Now double-click on the winamp.cmd file you’ve just created. This will open the Winamp Setup window.
On the step 2 of the Winamp Setup window, uncheck all of the file types that can be associated with Winamp.
Uncheck all of the file types
In the last step of the Winamp Setup window make sure you uncheck the ‘Yes, allow anonymous usage statistics (recommended)’. If you leave it checked Winamp will be sending periodical reports of the application to you via email.
After you click Finish, the Winamp Portal pops up with a message at the centre Add Media to Library. You can close the message and then copy your Playlist from your personal computer to your USB flash drive.
Close the Add Media to Library window
After doing all of this, every time you want to listen to your favourite songs on different computers, go to your Winamp folder on your USB flash drive and double click the Winamp icon to open the Winamp portal.
Double click on the Winamp file
Go to File > Play File and then select or queue the media files on your portable Winamp player to play your music files.
Click Play file or press L on the keyboard
Select the audio files from the USB flash drive
Winamp’s interface showing the song names, etc
By loading the portable version of Winamp Media Player with audio files onto an USB flash drive, you can carry your own music library with you and listen to them on any computer without having to worry about whether or not that computer has a media player installed.
next How to run portable apps from USB flash drives